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Assignment 5 (35 % Marks) (Due Date 02 Nov 2015)

Assignment 5 (35 % Marks) (Due Date 02 Nov 2015)
Critical Analysis

Congratulations! You have just been hired as the Information Technology Project Manager of a successful multinational services provider with offices in cities across the globe. The company specializes in providing services to individual in logistics aspects such as taxi services, train ticket booking, air ticket booking etc. They use IT infrastructure to conduct their daily operations, and charge a fee for their services.
So far, the company is mainly operating on a web platform, with a call center model to meet client needs. However, after careful deliberations, the board felt that a smartphone based application, using GPS interface is crucial to sustain in the competitive world.
This has prompted the management to carefully review their IT strategies, workforce capability, workforce capacity, IT infrastructure etc. so that they can offer a seamless service to their clientele across the globe. The clientele is quite mobile, and often undertake travel between many countries.
In order for the company to sustain and grow further, the CEO made you responsible to provide a set of documentations along with a management report highlighting the smartphone based app to meet the organizational needs. In order to produce this report, the CEO expects you to undertake independent research to present a high quality report that covers various IT project planning elements, as described in the course.
Assessment 5
The CEO of the organisation (as specified in Assignment 3) read through your submitted document and felt that there is some merit in pursuing the options suggested by you. Through your report (Assignment 3), the CEO understood that smartphone based app consists of many issues to consider, policies to be developed or modified at organisational level, and new investments to be made to manage data security.

The CEO appreciated the contents of the report (Assignment 3) and made a number of suggestions to improving the report so that it aligns with his organisation. Your markers will give this in the feedback form. You need to provide a one-page document stating how the feedback was addressed in this assignment report. See point 1 below under ‘Submission Components’.

The CEO wanted you to explore the options provided by you in depth so that ‘smartphone app’ can be managed in his organisation as an IT project, initially as a pilot project. The CIO provided a time total limit of 9 months (in the form of a pilot project) to explore the suggestions provided by you in Assignment 2, and asked you to provide an implementation strategy within 30 days. The 9 months include the 30 days.

The CEO is very interested in three specific aspects, namely – Information technology infrastructure required to implement the pilot project, a comprehensive project plan and project tracking strategies. Some of these aspects are covered in the course, and you are expected to conduct independent research on other aspects.

In this assignment component, you are required to research a solution path for:

1.! An IT project implementation strategy for the project as a pilot;
2.! A comprehensive analysis of information technology infrastructure required to conduct the pilot project;
3.! Strategies to tracking project progress for the pilot project;

4.! Key measurement criteria to provide evidence to achieving on time & on budget project completion; and
5.! How smartphone based IT projects can be managed in the future so that the organisation can develop appropriate strategies for expansion.
The scope of this assignment is restricted to the following submission components:
1) Provide a report as how you addressed the feedback provided for your initial report (Assignment3) – 1 page
2) With this refinement (as in point 1 immediately above), analyse and discuss your solution path for the 5 points stated above (2 pages)
3) Provide a infrastructure, resource and cost analysis to implement the pilot project. The cost analysis will have at least three cost models (best, medium, worst case scenarios)

4) Provide a detailed justification to the costs considered in the cost models and state why you chose those cost elements, and how they align with your solution path for the pilot project (2 pages)
5) Provide a report of not more than five pages covering the 5 points in the above section. This report should have been thoroughly researched, articulated and presented at an acceptable level (2 pages).

The above components are presented to the CEO, therefore need to be precise, succinct and meaningful. The CEO also asked for your initial report and the feedback packaged as an appendix and attached so that s/he can recollect the salient points of the report you submitted and the feedback given to you. This should be in the appendix, in pdf format.
The assignment should be thoroughly researched, with evidence provided through references. The CEO is keen to see a well-argued case, highlighting insights as to the key aspects, and would like to see strong points arguing your case as to the infrastructure requirements and strategies for project tracking.
The report is provided to the CIO of the organisation and needs to be top class in presentation. You have absolute freedom in all other aspects. Please note that there is no need to attach a plagiarism report. However, the markers will be instructed to verify that the content is original. If discrepancies are found, your work will be marked with zero, and you will be referred to the faculty for ‘academic misconduct’. Therefore, you are encouraged to check your written document for any potential plagiarism or collusion issues.

Any delays in submission MUST be accompanied with proper approval documentation, despite the course leader approving this. So please attach the approval to this assignment as markers may not have access to delay approvals. If the approval documentation is not found, late penalty, as per university rules, will be levied.

Assignments MUST be submitted via the link provided. If they are not submitted via the link, then it is assumed that submission was not made. If the assignments were submitted in other locations, it is very difficult to track them, as the course team have no access to other locations, and the course team can’t assume responsibility.
Provisional Marking criteria for the assignment-5 for CIS8010
Student Name: Student #:
Marking criteria Maximum Mark Mark Awarded
1 Title page, executive summary, table of contents, other requirement of report structure and overall presentations Marker Feedback : 2
2 Background and introductions
Marker Feedback : 2
3 Necessary assumption about your company and justification of the selected organization
Marker Feedback : 2
4 Provide a report as how you addressed the feedback provided for your initial report (Assignment 3)
Marker Feedback : 5
5 An IT project implementation strategy for the project as a pilot;
Marker Feedback : 10
6 A comprehensive analysis of information technology infrastructure required to conduct the pilot project;
Marker Feedback : 15
7 Outline and justify strategies to tracking project progress for the pilot project;
Marker Feedback : 15
8 Provide a infrastructure, resource and cost analysis to implement the pilot project.
Marker Feedback : 15
9 Provide a detailed justification to the costs considered in the cost models and state why you chose those cost elements, and how they align with your solution path for the pilot project
Marker Feedback : 10
10 Key measurement criteria and analysis to provide evidence to achieving on time & on budget project completion;
Marker Feedback : 10
11 How smartphone based IT projects can be managed in the future so that the organisation can develop appropriate strategies for expansion.
Marker Feedback : 10
12 Quality, relevance and appropriateness of recommendations
Marker Feedback : 2

13 Quality and relevance of Conclusion(s)
Marker Feedback : 2
14 Late Submission
Reduce of at least 5 marks per day
Total 100
Marks can be deducted for the following errors:
1 Problems with format and structure of report
2 Lack of referencing (Harvard referencing format is the acceptable standard)
3 Spelling, grammar and expression error
4 Indication of plagiarism/collusion
5 Inappropriate use of inHtext references
6 Late Submission as per USQ/FBL policies and procedures
a. If students submit assignments after the due date without prior approval of the examiner, then a penalty of at the very least, the penalty for late submission is a reduction by 5% of the maximum Mark applicable for the Assignment, for each University Business Day or part Business Day that the Assignment is late. An Assignment submitted more than ten University Business Days after the deadline will have a Mark of zero recorded for that Assignment. The assignments and their due dates are listed in the study schedule to give you some forewarning so that you may organize your study program.

7 TURNITIN report NOT required, in plagiarism and collision cases you could be awarded ZERO
8 Normally, it is hard to put the percentage number correctly as it all depends on the actual report contents produced by the TRUNITIN application. As a general rule, less than 10% is acceptable. It is the student’s responsibility to have the report ready before the due date.
9 Your assignment should adhere to the Harvard referencing style. Refer to Chapter 2: Referencing in the Communication skills handbook 3ed by Summers and Smith for guidance on how you should cite your references following this style.
10 FILE NAME of the submitted document (Student who did not follow the required file naming). For all assessment items digital file naming convention. Please use the following naming convention when saving your digital document:

Student last name_assignment #_CIS8010_Student USQ ID

a. For example, the first assignment for CIS8010 submitted by Poul Moller, student # 005890420163. If I (Mr. Poul Moller) were uploading this assessment item, file would be named as follow:


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Assignment 5 (35 % Marks) (Due Date 02 Nov 2015)

Assignment 5 (35 % Marks) (Due Date 02 Nov 2015)
Critical Analysis

Congratulations! You have just been hired as the Information Technology Project Manager of a successful multinational services provider with offices in cities across the globe. The company specializes in providing services to individual in logistics aspects such as taxi services, train ticket booking, air ticket booking etc. They use IT infrastructure to conduct their daily operations, and charge a fee for their services.
So far, the company is mainly operating on a web platform, with a call center model to meet client needs. However, after careful deliberations, the board felt that a smartphone based application, using GPS interface is crucial to sustain in the competitive world.
This has prompted the management to carefully review their IT strategies, workforce capability, workforce capacity, IT infrastructure etc. so that they can offer a seamless service to their clientele across the globe. The clientele is quite mobile, and often undertake travel between many countries.
In order for the company to sustain and grow further, the CEO made you responsible to provide a set of documentations along with a management report highlighting the smartphone based app to meet the organizational needs. In order to produce this report, the CEO expects you to undertake independent research to present a high quality report that covers various IT project planning elements, as described in the course.
Assessment 5
The CEO of the organisation (as specified in Assignment 3) read through your submitted document and felt that there is some merit in pursuing the options suggested by you. Through your report (Assignment 3), the CEO understood that smartphone based app consists of many issues to consider, policies to be developed or modified at organisational level, and new investments to be made to manage data security.

The CEO appreciated the contents of the report (Assignment 3) and made a number of suggestions to improving the report so that it aligns with his organisation. Your markers will give this in the feedback form. You need to provide a one-page document stating how the feedback was addressed in this assignment report. See point 1 below under ‘Submission Components’.

The CEO wanted you to explore the options provided by you in depth so that ‘smartphone app’ can be managed in his organisation as an IT project, initially as a pilot project. The CIO provided a time total limit of 9 months (in the form of a pilot project) to explore the suggestions provided by you in Assignment 2, and asked you to provide an implementation strategy within 30 days. The 9 months include the 30 days.

The CEO is very interested in three specific aspects, namely – Information technology infrastructure required to implement the pilot project, a comprehensive project plan and project tracking strategies. Some of these aspects are covered in the course, and you are expected to conduct independent research on other aspects.

In this assignment component, you are required to research a solution path for:

1.! An IT project implementation strategy for the project as a pilot;
2.! A comprehensive analysis of information technology infrastructure required to conduct the pilot project;
3.! Strategies to tracking project progress for the pilot project;

4.! Key measurement criteria to provide evidence to achieving on time & on budget project completion; and
5.! How smartphone based IT projects can be managed in the future so that the organisation can develop appropriate strategies for expansion.
The scope of this assignment is restricted to the following submission components:
1) Provide a report as how you addressed the feedback provided for your initial report (Assignment3) – 1 page
2) With this refinement (as in point 1 immediately above), analyse and discuss your solution path for the 5 points stated above (2 pages)
3) Provide a infrastructure, resource and cost analysis to implement the pilot project. The cost analysis will have at least three cost models (best, medium, worst case scenarios)

4) Provide a detailed justification to the costs considered in the cost models and state why you chose those cost elements, and how they align with your solution path for the pilot project (2 pages)
5) Provide a report of not more than five pages covering the 5 points in the above section. This report should have been thoroughly researched, articulated and presented at an acceptable level (2 pages).

The above components are presented to the CEO, therefore need to be precise, succinct and meaningful. The CEO also asked for your initial report and the feedback packaged as an appendix and attached so that s/he can recollect the salient points of the report you submitted and the feedback given to you. This should be in the appendix, in pdf format.
The assignment should be thoroughly researched, with evidence provided through references. The CEO is keen to see a well-argued case, highlighting insights as to the key aspects, and would like to see strong points arguing your case as to the infrastructure requirements and strategies for project tracking.
The report is provided to the CIO of the organisation and needs to be top class in presentation. You have absolute freedom in all other aspects. Please note that there is no need to attach a plagiarism report. However, the markers will be instructed to verify that the content is original. If discrepancies are found, your work will be marked with zero, and you will be referred to the faculty for ‘academic misconduct’. Therefore, you are encouraged to check your written document for any potential plagiarism or collusion issues.

Any delays in submission MUST be accompanied with proper approval documentation, despite the course leader approving this. So please attach the approval to this assignment as markers may not have access to delay approvals. If the approval documentation is not found, late penalty, as per university rules, will be levied.

Assignments MUST be submitted via the link provided. If they are not submitted via the link, then it is assumed that submission was not made. If the assignments were submitted in other locations, it is very difficult to track them, as the course team have no access to other locations, and the course team can’t assume responsibility.
Provisional Marking criteria for the assignment-5 for CIS8010
Student Name: Student #:
Marking criteria Maximum Mark Mark Awarded
1 Title page, executive summary, table of contents, other requirement of report structure and overall presentations Marker Feedback : 2
2 Background and introductions
Marker Feedback : 2
3 Necessary assumption about your company and justification of the selected organization
Marker Feedback : 2
4 Provide a report as how you addressed the feedback provided for your initial report (Assignment 3)
Marker Feedback : 5
5 An IT project implementation strategy for the project as a pilot;
Marker Feedback : 10
6 A comprehensive analysis of information technology infrastructure required to conduct the pilot project;
Marker Feedback : 15
7 Outline and justify strategies to tracking project progress for the pilot project;
Marker Feedback : 15
8 Provide a infrastructure, resource and cost analysis to implement the pilot project.
Marker Feedback : 15
9 Provide a detailed justification to the costs considered in the cost models and state why you chose those cost elements, and how they align with your solution path for the pilot project
Marker Feedback : 10
10 Key measurement criteria and analysis to provide evidence to achieving on time & on budget project completion;
Marker Feedback : 10
11 How smartphone based IT projects can be managed in the future so that the organisation can develop appropriate strategies for expansion.
Marker Feedback : 10
12 Quality, relevance and appropriateness of recommendations
Marker Feedback : 2

13 Quality and relevance of Conclusion(s)
Marker Feedback : 2
14 Late Submission
Reduce of at least 5 marks per day
Total 100
Marks can be deducted for the following errors:
1 Problems with format and structure of report
2 Lack of referencing (Harvard referencing format is the acceptable standard)
3 Spelling, grammar and expression error
4 Indication of plagiarism/collusion
5 Inappropriate use of inHtext references
6 Late Submission as per USQ/FBL policies and procedures
a. If students submit assignments after the due date without prior approval of the examiner, then a penalty of at the very least, the penalty for late submission is a reduction by 5% of the maximum Mark applicable for the Assignment, for each University Business Day or part Business Day that the Assignment is late. An Assignment submitted more than ten University Business Days after the deadline will have a Mark of zero recorded for that Assignment. The assignments and their due dates are listed in the study schedule to give you some forewarning so that you may organize your study program.

7 TURNITIN report NOT required, in plagiarism and collision cases you could be awarded ZERO
8 Normally, it is hard to put the percentage number correctly as it all depends on the actual report contents produced by the TRUNITIN application. As a general rule, less than 10% is acceptable. It is the student’s responsibility to have the report ready before the due date.
9 Your assignment should adhere to the Harvard referencing style. Refer to Chapter 2: Referencing in the Communication skills handbook 3ed by Summers and Smith for guidance on how you should cite your references following this style.
10 FILE NAME of the submitted document (Student who did not follow the required file naming). For all assessment items digital file naming convention. Please use the following naming convention when saving your digital document:

Student last name_assignment #_CIS8010_Student USQ ID

a. For example, the first assignment for CIS8010 submitted by Poul Moller, student # 005890420163. If I (Mr. Poul Moller) were uploading this assessment item, file would be named as follow:


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Assignment 5 (35 % Marks) (Due Date 02 Nov 2015)

Assignment 5 (35 % Marks) (Due Date 02 Nov 2015)
Critical Analysis

Congratulations! You have just been hired as the Information Technology Project Manager of a successful multinational services provider with offices in cities across the globe. The company specializes in providing services to individual in logistics aspects such as taxi services, train ticket booking, air ticket booking etc. They use IT infrastructure to conduct their daily operations, and charge a fee for their services.
So far, the company is mainly operating on a web platform, with a call center model to meet client needs. However, after careful deliberations, the board felt that a smartphone based application, using GPS interface is crucial to sustain in the competitive world.
This has prompted the management to carefully review their IT strategies, workforce capability, workforce capacity, IT infrastructure etc. so that they can offer a seamless service to their clientele across the globe. The clientele is quite mobile, and often undertake travel between many countries.
In order for the company to sustain and grow further, the CEO made you responsible to provide a set of documentations along with a management report highlighting the smartphone based app to meet the organizational needs. In order to produce this report, the CEO expects you to undertake independent research to present a high quality report that covers various IT project planning elements, as described in the course.
Assessment 5
The CEO of the organisation (as specified in Assignment 3) read through your submitted document and felt that there is some merit in pursuing the options suggested by you. Through your report (Assignment 3), the CEO understood that smartphone based app consists of many issues to consider, policies to be developed or modified at organisational level, and new investments to be made to manage data security.

The CEO appreciated the contents of the report (Assignment 3) and made a number of suggestions to improving the report so that it aligns with his organisation. Your markers will give this in the feedback form. You need to provide a one-page document stating how the feedback was addressed in this assignment report. See point 1 below under ‘Submission Components’.

The CEO wanted you to explore the options provided by you in depth so that ‘smartphone app’ can be managed in his organisation as an IT project, initially as a pilot project. The CIO provided a time total limit of 9 months (in the form of a pilot project) to explore the suggestions provided by you in Assignment 2, and asked you to provide an implementation strategy within 30 days. The 9 months include the 30 days.

The CEO is very interested in three specific aspects, namely – Information technology infrastructure required to implement the pilot project, a comprehensive project plan and project tracking strategies. Some of these aspects are covered in the course, and you are expected to conduct independent research on other aspects.

In this assignment component, you are required to research a solution path for:

1.! An IT project implementation strategy for the project as a pilot;
2.! A comprehensive analysis of information technology infrastructure required to conduct the pilot project;
3.! Strategies to tracking project progress for the pilot project;

4.! Key measurement criteria to provide evidence to achieving on time & on budget project completion; and
5.! How smartphone based IT projects can be managed in the future so that the organisation can develop appropriate strategies for expansion.
The scope of this assignment is restricted to the following submission components:
1) Provide a report as how you addressed the feedback provided for your initial report (Assignment3) – 1 page
2) With this refinement (as in point 1 immediately above), analyse and discuss your solution path for the 5 points stated above (2 pages)
3) Provide a infrastructure, resource and cost analysis to implement the pilot project. The cost analysis will have at least three cost models (best, medium, worst case scenarios)

4) Provide a detailed justification to the costs considered in the cost models and state why you chose those cost elements, and how they align with your solution path for the pilot project (2 pages)
5) Provide a report of not more than five pages covering the 5 points in the above section. This report should have been thoroughly researched, articulated and presented at an acceptable level (2 pages).

The above components are presented to the CEO, therefore need to be precise, succinct and meaningful. The CEO also asked for your initial report and the feedback packaged as an appendix and attached so that s/he can recollect the salient points of the report you submitted and the feedback given to you. This should be in the appendix, in pdf format.
The assignment should be thoroughly researched, with evidence provided through references. The CEO is keen to see a well-argued case, highlighting insights as to the key aspects, and would like to see strong points arguing your case as to the infrastructure requirements and strategies for project tracking.
The report is provided to the CIO of the organisation and needs to be top class in presentation. You have absolute freedom in all other aspects. Please note that there is no need to attach a plagiarism report. However, the markers will be instructed to verify that the content is original. If discrepancies are found, your work will be marked with zero, and you will be referred to the faculty for ‘academic misconduct’. Therefore, you are encouraged to check your written document for any potential plagiarism or collusion issues.

Any delays in submission MUST be accompanied with proper approval documentation, despite the course leader approving this. So please attach the approval to this assignment as markers may not have access to delay approvals. If the approval documentation is not found, late penalty, as per university rules, will be levied.

Assignments MUST be submitted via the link provided. If they are not submitted via the link, then it is assumed that submission was not made. If the assignments were submitted in other locations, it is very difficult to track them, as the course team have no access to other locations, and the course team can’t assume responsibility.
Provisional Marking criteria for the assignment-5 for CIS8010
Student Name: Student #:
Marking criteria Maximum Mark Mark Awarded
1 Title page, executive summary, table of contents, other requirement of report structure and overall presentations Marker Feedback : 2
2 Background and introductions
Marker Feedback : 2
3 Necessary assumption about your company and justification of the selected organization
Marker Feedback : 2
4 Provide a report as how you addressed the feedback provided for your initial report (Assignment 3)
Marker Feedback : 5
5 An IT project implementation strategy for the project as a pilot;
Marker Feedback : 10
6 A comprehensive analysis of information technology infrastructure required to conduct the pilot project;
Marker Feedback : 15
7 Outline and justify strategies to tracking project progress for the pilot project;
Marker Feedback : 15
8 Provide a infrastructure, resource and cost analysis to implement the pilot project.
Marker Feedback : 15
9 Provide a detailed justification to the costs considered in the cost models and state why you chose those cost elements, and how they align with your solution path for the pilot project
Marker Feedback : 10
10 Key measurement criteria and analysis to provide evidence to achieving on time & on budget project completion;
Marker Feedback : 10
11 How smartphone based IT projects can be managed in the future so that the organisation can develop appropriate strategies for expansion.
Marker Feedback : 10
12 Quality, relevance and appropriateness of recommendations
Marker Feedback : 2

13 Quality and relevance of Conclusion(s)
Marker Feedback : 2
14 Late Submission
Reduce of at least 5 marks per day
Total 100
Marks can be deducted for the following errors:
1 Problems with format and structure of report
2 Lack of referencing (Harvard referencing format is the acceptable standard)
3 Spelling, grammar and expression error
4 Indication of plagiarism/collusion
5 Inappropriate use of inHtext references
6 Late Submission as per USQ/FBL policies and procedures
a. If students submit assignments after the due date without prior approval of the examiner, then a penalty of at the very least, the penalty for late submission is a reduction by 5% of the maximum Mark applicable for the Assignment, for each University Business Day or part Business Day that the Assignment is late. An Assignment submitted more than ten University Business Days after the deadline will have a Mark of zero recorded for that Assignment. The assignments and their due dates are listed in the study schedule to give you some forewarning so that you may organize your study program.

7 TURNITIN report NOT required, in plagiarism and collision cases you could be awarded ZERO
8 Normally, it is hard to put the percentage number correctly as it all depends on the actual report contents produced by the TRUNITIN application. As a general rule, less than 10% is acceptable. It is the student’s responsibility to have the report ready before the due date.
9 Your assignment should adhere to the Harvard referencing style. Refer to Chapter 2: Referencing in the Communication skills handbook 3ed by Summers and Smith for guidance on how you should cite your references following this style.
10 FILE NAME of the submitted document (Student who did not follow the required file naming). For all assessment items digital file naming convention. Please use the following naming convention when saving your digital document:

Student last name_assignment #_CIS8010_Student USQ ID

a. For example, the first assignment for CIS8010 submitted by Poul Moller, student # 005890420163. If I (Mr. Poul Moller) were uploading this assessment item, file would be named as follow:


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